Friday, April 8, 2011

Why Do I Need a Dust Collector?

Kraemer Dust Collector
Dust collectors remove the excessive dust that is generated in woodworking or other machining operations and transfer the dust to a storage area for disposal. They create cleaner and healthier air environments in the work place. Dust collection is legally required in work shops larger than a home-based shop. They range in size from small interior units pulling up to 500CFM using motors as small as 5HP to large exterior units pulling up to 100,000CFM using motors as big as 300HP. Interior dust collectors usually collect dust into either 45-gallon drums or plastic collection bags for manual disposal. Exterior dust collectors usually have collection bins built in and will deposit the dust to a container from time to time. Once the containers are full, the collected dust is then hauled away by truck. Some systems are set up so the collected dust is continuously pumped into a sealed container. Dust collectors usually filter the dirty air through cloth bags that act as a filter medium. Many collectors use a cyclone to separate out bigger, heavier particles before reaching the filter bags. The exterior unit's filter bags are periodically cleaned either by a shaker or an air pulse cleaning system to extend their useable life. Because of the large volume of air removed from a plant by an exterior unit, many are equipped with a return system to return the heated factory air after it is cleaned. This also significantly reduces the negative pressure caused by removing large volumes of air.

Popular brands of dust collectors include:  ACT, Aget, Belfab, Concept Air, Delta, Denray, Donaldson Torit, Engineered Air, Kraemer, MacDonald, Murphy, Oneida Air Systems, Spec Air, and Walco.

Check out a broad selection of dust collectors at Contacts Machinery's used woodworking equipment site.  For more information, call 1-866-514-0890.

1 comment:

  1. A woodworking operation without a good dust collector is asking for trouble.
